
Man stripped and r*ped an 11yr old girl at house party before parents helped him flee thecountry

The Man who is Identified as Marek Slepcik allegedly stripped a drunk 11yr old girl naked and also raped her back in 2016 before his parents help him to flee to Slovakia Liverpool Crown Court has heard.

It was stated that Marek was 16yr old back in 2016 during the incident and he was also arrested for his crime and also had his passport seized by the Police before he was bailed from the station.

In court documents it was revealed that Marek Slepcik applied for emergency travel documents through his mother, claiming he lost his passport.

After he got the passport he then left the UK and went to Slovakia, where he remained until a European Arrest Warrant extradited him back to the UK on July 27, having spent 145 days in jail.

Marek who is now 20yrs old appeared in court this week via a video link from the prison after divulging to the crime.

Prosecuting counsel, Martine Snowdon, said Marek's victim snuck out of her home against her mum's wishes and met friends at Newsham Park in Fairfield.

When she met her friends she drank vodka before they were joined by Marek.

Another boy, who was also 17yrs old joined them, and bought more alcohol, before taking the group of teens to an empty house he had a key for in Kensington.

The girl told her lawyers she had never met Slepcik before and she had five or six drinks of vodka from a bottle. She also said Slepcik wasn't drinking.

She then described herself as 10 on a drunkenness scale of 1 to 10.

Once the group reached the house, she and Slepcik ended up alone downstairs when Slepcik said "take your jeans off now" and she said "no."

According to the prosecutor, It was seen that Marek Slepcik hugged and kissed the girl before he undressed her, pulled her down onto a bed, raped her, then left.

The girl then said she also remembered when the other boy came into the room and told her to get dressed, that he would take her home.

Ms Snowdon said: "He was telling her not to tell anybody or the defendant would catch her up and she would get a beating."

Police got involved after the girl’s mum reported her as missing and officers called the other boy’s number to find the child’s whereabouts.

"He (the other boy) made a statement and described that he came downstairs after the defendant to find the girl pulling up her trousers and crying." The Prosecutor continued

"He asked her why she was crying and she said she was in pain in her groin."

Slepcik was arrested at Liverpool Airport in 2016, when returning from Dublin with his dad, and responded: "I didn't do it."

During an interview, he denied any sexual contact with the girl, even though forensic results showed his semen in the vaginal swabs.

Later that year, Slepcik admitted having sex with the child, but claimed she consented and he thought she was older.

According to the jury, even if the young girl looked older than 11, Slepcik would have known she was "younger than him."

Slepcik claimed he thought she was 14 or 15, however, Judge Menary said she looked 12 or 13, and he wasn't prepared to sentence him on the basis that he believed the girl was any older than 13 or 14.

Ms Snowdon added: "She describes in her statement difficulty in trusting people, being badly affected in terms of her levels of concentration and therefore her school work being badly affected, suffering with problems sleeping and feeling depressed, and feels that there has been a significant change in what was a happy childhood without problems."

Defending counsel, Christopher Stables said Slepcik, no longer claimed that he believed the girl was consenting and said Slepcik had never met the girl before, was then a child himself and it was "his first experience of any kind of sexual matter."

He said "the alcohol had already flowed" before his client was invited to the park, but he must have seen the effect it had on her.

Mr Stables said: "No threat was made to the complainant by this defendant or by anybody else in his presence following the incident and of course he's not responsible for what the other boy may or may not have said after he left the house."

He added: "The defendant describes himself as of Romany origin. He came to the UK when he was 12. He is one of six children and his family are in Slovakia, save for one brother and one sister.

"These two siblings remain in contact by phone with the defendant but he has had no contact with his parents because he has been unable to obtain prison approval for their Slovakian phone number.

"He is remorseful and accepting of his responsibility and readily becomes upset when discussing this case."

Judge Menary sentenced Slepcik to four years and 10 months in a young offenders institution

Judge Menary told Slepcik: "There may or may not have been some encouragement from your friends to try it on with her.

"She was in fact an 11-year-old child in a strange house with a strange young man to her and was very significantly affected by alcohol, albeit alcohol consumed by her."

Judge Menary said sentencing guidelines stated there must be a reduction in his sentence because of his age at the time.

He said: "I accept that you did not set out that night to assault this girl and did not play any part in getting her drunk.

"But at the age of 16, you knew full well what you were doing, knew it was plainly wrong and that she was significantly younger than you and underage, and you took advantage of her and her state of drunkenness."

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